WIBTAH/WWBTAH for refusing to go to my brother-in-laws destination wedding after his fiancee wore white to my wedding
Is my baby a bully ? How big is he going to get
What is a phrase from Bluey that you say the most?
I need an abortion
Sorry Not Sorry
Thought this belonged here
If you could make one character a mario spinoff mainstay, who would you choose?
Who is your all time, favorite hands down Mario character? Mine's gotta be (No.)
I refunded Hello Kitty Island Adventure : (
The last thing in your camera roll is what Muffin is flipping out over
What games are you playing currently?
Will Redd ever sell a painting I already have?
Comparing Hello Kitty Island Adventure To Animal Crossing New Horizons
I think I have just been gaslit by my fiancé. No
Unhand me you seal😆
Excuse me??
Who is your favorite Fanon/Unofficial version of Mario?
AITA for asking my boyfriend to leave for one night so I can host Galentine’s?
from today episode
Which colour scheme do you prefer?
Sapphire is 6 months old. Standard Bully.
I just found my sisters letters...
AITA for not introducing my girlfriend to my kids?
GMIL tried used fiances mother's murder and her religion to deter him from marrying me, then everyone around her died.
I wish they updated the avatars more frequently, which one do you use?