Sometimes our city can be freakin gorgeous
I wonder what services they offer...
Does anyone know what this is for? Friday nights Perth/Northbridge
Bum Gun installation recommendations?
What's a massive lie everyone casually believes?
the 90s rappers and gangstas that used to hang out infront of myers forest place 30yrs ago
in which episode....
The shein pop-up sheinanigans
What do you guys make of this?
Dictator who leveled all Gaza colleges, calls protestors Nazis
Police have name the man involved in yesterday's incident
So many dissapointed families at kings park tonight
Perth the old and the new
What is normalized that needs to be weird again?
What is something you cannot believe modern technology hasn’t fixed yet?
Hamas official: Non-military leaders 'surprised by date, not by actions' of onslaught
Do you think there is anyone alive that will be remembered 500-1000 years from now? Who?
What did you learn in school that is 100% false?
Who gave the police the anonymous tip telling them to investigate Adnan?
When is the ruling due?
What are some things that Christians say/preach, but aren't actually in the bible?
Christopher Hitchens famously said “That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”, what are some good examples of this?
What is the worst/funniest lie you've heard about something Perth related
Which fictional character hero or villian has absolutely no redeeming qualities?
What's an annoying myth that people still cling to?