Honest opinion about these work boots.
Is there any drugs that stop you overthinking.
If Biggie was to be resurrected, what would be the first thing you'd tell him?
What’s wrong with this
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
The difference between indians and indo-Caribbeans😂
What are we calling this bad boy?
Getting into local 26
I always tape my receptacles, how about you?
Beyond disgusting 😡
What does it feel like to be on Adderall?
Yall really feel bad for Kay Flock?
I've been told this wasn't for me and now I'm starting to believe it.
How fast did Qelbree, Strattera, or Guanfacine take to work for you?
What does it mean to “Drag Up”
What ethnicity would you think DJ Khaled was if you didn't know he was Arab?
Guess my nationality
Sleepy hallow hitting the charts
Apartment at $25/hr
kids wild these days
Some of us in this sub probably walked past eachother, talked to eachother and didn't even know.
Anyone remember when shorty was gender neutral
Baljeet not playing wit nobody #realbackseatboy
Would it be a big deal if i didnt attend my high-school prom ?
Does a racoon make a good pet?