Absent a better strategy, I'm shifting towards the International Market.
Are there people who are opposed to car enthusiasm?
Some Chinese Gold
Thinking about study and living in China as a trans person, is that a good option?
North Korea becomes 3rd largest government Bitcoin holder after Bybit hack
My manager rushes towards my desk to see what I am doing. Is this normal?
Should I buy Costco gold coins and bars? Are they good incase I want to liquidate them?
Which event, if it had happened differently, would have changed the course of world history?
I made as much as a senator the past two years. When will I become a millionaire?
I smoke weed and watch movies every night at work.
what is the "best" phone?
Man robbed of over $300,000 in cash after crypto trade
Billionaire losses since Trump's inauguration
Surprised at Trump trying to sell Tesla, remember when he sold beans!
What kind of job or income will get me a house like one of these?
The US dollar is crashing
Trump says brief economic pain is worth long-term gain. Will Americans agree?
Wow. 97th percentile for my age. Blessed
Is it too late to invest in EU stocks (mostly defence ones)?
They should put this up in every high school
Looking at diversifying my US heavy portfolio.
How is it working at a dealer?
Lady Twerking On A High-rise Balcony Forgot She Can’t Fly
We used to have an economy where one spouse/partner could stay home, and I think people forgot how beneficial that was for society.
As an investor, I want a chain that has heavy volume/usage