[Entry Thread #103] It’s that time where we spring forward! We once again ask for your participation by commenting and entering, then donating to the winner!
What is San Jose missing?
Planning to take the design major in Uni, do you think I’m cut out for it?
Wall Street is turning its back on Elon Musk
Why are you still living in San Jose?
Is costco worth it from fruit trees?
Five years of waiting for my first yellow dragonfruit harvest.
Five years of waiting for this dragonfruit.
Do native speakers of literary Armenian find it strange and incomprehensible when people put the particle of negation at the end instead of at the beginning?
Is something bad going on?
Can I graft a more desirable persimmon to this old and well established tree?
Can I graft a more desirable persimmon to this very old tree?
Would you support getting rid of daylight savings time?
My 11mo and 3yo consumed the full dozen of these zucchini oat muffins in an hour.(recipe link included)
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
Putin Fueling Independence Plans in California, Texas: Republican political adviser
Montana Republican's bill would charge parents of trans kids with child abuse
Trump Floats Forced Relocation of Gazans: 'Clean Out That Whole Thing'
Trump wants Jordan and Egypt to accept more refugees and floats plan to 'just clean out' Gaza
A certain claim made in S2E1
Lumen harmed Irving's father
Are there really that many branches?
It’s tacky but it’s mine
[Entry Thread #101] It’s a new year, let’s make it a good one! As for us, we’re back in business making millionaires, and all you have to do is comment to enter!
Americans are getting fatter but it really isn’t their fault.