NW Indy - Did anyone just see a weird string of lights flying through the sky, headed southwest?
I had something for this…
Semper Fi
[Opinion] Help deciding between the Henry Archer purple Nordsø and the Æra
[Marathon GSAR Automatic]
Leaking in the back, any suggestions?
Is there such a thing as "soft heavy metal"?
Indianapolis to Columbus Food Recommendations
Odd noise
My Uncle James. WWII Veteran, farmer, and one of the kindest humans I’ve ever met.
So...? Thinking about smoking a Boneless ribeye steak?
Just For Men dye
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
Which sitcom character slept with (or at least made out with) the highest number of regularly recurring characters on a show?
In what episode(s) can we find Sweet Dee's best performance(s)?
Need help please
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
Anyone know where I can watch this movie
Ball Engineer Master Diver II GMT (Love/ Hate) Relationship lol
Does anyone recognise this port?
What do you wear when you're not wearing a Ball?
Considering this Ball..
New (to me) Ball
If you could put the moral of the story in one short phrase what would it be?
How many of you have shaved your heads before?