People are crazy
Scalpers fighting Scalpers for Pokemon Cards
Anywhere I could trade some sealed prismatic binder collection for any sealed 151?
Costco maximum purchase reduced to 2 for Blooming Waters
What is it?
Thanks in advance
Can anyone tell me if these look fake or not plz ?
I've been bamboozled
Got like 50 of these I won’t use if anyone wants some
Hit a target restock and BOOM
How would you respond to motivate your cousin? She can’t go on like this.
Pork,black pudding and apple sausage buns with hashbrowns and duck eggs
Some of my old work boots
Hotels with late check in and early check out
Friend gave me all his stuff 😁
several pounds of pure slime mold from the soda machine drain pipes at my stupid fast food job. the most disgusting thing I've seen let alone had to clean
First one bites the dust :(
What are you playing now?
Is there a easier way to get artwork to come up automatically. I tried changing the names but had no luck
Is 240 for a z of O.G Gelato a good price?
You bought a house and this happens. What do you do?
Pizza hut tripping
I am looking at buying my first emulator.
(FS) Selling my Collection