btw the 88 in username isnt nazi dogwhistle
24 Gaba 600s and 2 800s
Forecast is looking like 99% chance of k holing tonight
7oh video :(
Took a long break from PCP and dissos because of bladder issues and mental effects. Back at it eating 30mg of DCK
Should I cancel a trip to Italy for a teen who's on probation at school?
Is there a way to get geeked without drugs
Phenibut with amphetamine (adderall)?
what drug do you absolutely miss the most
what's the worst drug you have ever tasted?
what’s your god combo?
All my userscripts in an addon! Remember ZenZero? everything's now in Zen Internet <3 Each website specific styles have their own toggle allowing you to use what you like and everything is synced with "my-internet" repository on demand!
why does no one play anything besides mini golf?
Will this get me high off of heroin
Plug has “opioid” pills
dph sex near my area
What drug tastes the worst to you?
I gave my boy a capsule filled with creatine
Please buy drugs from me
What drug would give you the confidence to go and sit with a group of strangers?
A drug or substance that allows you to be productive, does not make you angry or put your relationship at risk, does not destroy your life or come with heavy physical withdrawals. Which drug or substance fit this criteria the closest?
I think I just got fentanyl instead lol
What do people think about Goblin on YT?
Thinking about that one dude with schizophrenia who kept drawing increasingly psychedelic cats as he gradually went insane
Favourite low cost carry?