How to cat-proof my balcony?
I'm making a C compiler in C
My handwriting after 100 pages of commonplacing 🖊️
Plant is not planting
What’s wrong with my face?
Which rug for sunroom?
Insane Dutch Housing Market: Apartment Sold on Day 1 - Before Bidding Even Started!
Suggestions for trans/lgbtq dutch suvenieers?
Any tips on how to get over my “fear” of being judged by native speakers at work?
How to get legal and cheap hormones fast and safely
Going from employment to freelancing, how did you do it?
improving my handwriting affected by schizophrenia
My breasts look disgusting
I hate myself and cannot do anything about it
Is pretty privilege as a trans girl blessing or a curse?
The waiting time just DOUBLED
Made some big changes
My dad eats vanilla yoghurt(vla) with cruesli (granola). Pls tell him that he's the only one💀
At 22, I lived in a 1920s SRO in SF. It was messy and imperfect, but it was mine
Why is my package delivered by the government of Amsterdam??
What are these flies?
My first apartment that I decorated from scratch with my own hard earned money.
Clearing up Dutch Directness