LIVE Sectant Georgian s-a urcat pe o macara din Militari si zice ca se arunca in semn de protest
photo dump of my bbgworl who loves lounging just about everywhere
My ex got revenge on me in the worst way possible, and I have no way to clear my name.
AITAH for wanting my husband to move away and told him divorce is fine with me?
Ce melodie va face sa plangeti?
The last thing you Googled is what kills you. So, how do you die?
Când ați realizat că sunteți urâți?
Cum ati distrus o relatie cu o persoana pe care o iubeati?
Nu se poate mamografie sub 40 de ani!
AITA for charging my 18 year old rent and making her pay her phone bill and car insurance
My boyfriend [21M] has a habit of blocking me [21F] EVERYWHERE when he's upset
Am picat a4a oara traseul
Anime-ul preferat
întâmplări/interacțiuni neplăcute pe tren
Show Me your torti
My bf and I had a fight. A year later I still get flashbacks to it and I think I resent him for it.
Gândirea toxică a mamei mele
Ever since my husband (44M) and I (40F) had group sex with his colleague (32F) and her husband (38M), my husband has been out of sort and downhearted.
Care este cea mai mare calitate a partenerilor vostri de viata?
Signature perfume (parfum preferat)
Ce parere aveti despre femeile care nu vor copii?
Time is a mother fucker I was 20 a few years ago and now am 28
Cum era sa muriti?
AITA for telling my sister how inappropriate it was that she was crying over having to fire someone at her work?
AITA for not giving my brother the photos of our mom when she married his dad?