Let your anger out
4MINUTE Jihyun has opened her own barre studio 'barrebarre'. 4MINUTE Sohyun, CLC Seungyeon & FIESTAR Linzy attended the studio's opening
Freesm leaks in full
MAMAMOO Solar - The 2nd Single Album: Want (Logo Motion)
The Twice girls post-contract renewals have been so interesting.
Inevitable Change Inbound To Dreamcatcher As New Horizons Beckon
Restock for the lightstick?
What look do you picture in your head when you think of taeyeon?/ Do you usually picture the same look.
Two moments from todays concert to be very positive about
Siyeon says TheSsyndrome isn't her band
I'm going to look out for this band, for now
"I wasn't like this before but I feel like I'm getting afraid of performing, because I feel like the end is coming" - Yoohyeon (250314 Melbourne Concert)
What do we think will be the last song of their show...
Severance - 2x09 "The After Hours" - Post-Episode Discussion
To all the Aussie Somnias
No Dumb Questions + Casual Talk
250314 - “Hashtag” by Yves @ Live from Vevo Studios
What does everyone think Dami and Handong are gonna do now that they are leaving DCC???
In order from best to worst, who did the most proper roast?
Do you care when someone misspells your name?
My starter choice
Handong, Dami and Gahyun Non-Renewal of Contracts Discussion Megathread
how big of an issue was the irene stylist scandal?
Snapshots available for Aus concerts