"Why Do You Hate Children!!!?!"
Hello, how easy or hard is it to find an relationship as an antinatalist?
Utmattningssyndrom tas bort: "Tror det blir bättre"
What feels like therapy to you ?
What is an unconventional thing you find sexy?
Ciara’s uttalande efter nyhet om skilsmässa
Regeringen: Privata adhd-utredare ska granskas
Let's give a word "Pseudo-antinatalist" ; Who aren't truly antinatalist ?
Här byter eleverna i 8:an prao mot jobb – och tjänar pengar
Have any guys ever been having sex and felt that sharp stab in the tip from a “loose” iud?
Det var enklare förr.
Är det någon som har en brödrost som de inte behöver?
Can you still live a good life as an antinatalist?
How do you guys handle romantic relationships
In Finland, more than half of consumers are shopping less for climate reasons
What is something that feels good but is bad for you?
To anyone living in a biome with harsh conditions do you wish to lay on a warm grassy field?
Something You Can't Escape
Arbetslösheten historiskt hög – i alla grupper: ”Ingen ser en vändning”
What’s the biggest sexual risk you ever took?
Are there any anti Natalist feminists here due to political reasons (like mistreatment of women/mothers) ? And are there any “soft” anti Natalists in general who feel no one should have more than 1 child?
What instantly makes someone attractive?
Men, what’s the one thing you wish your women called you more often?