Hey…At least we have ultimate right
Opposite problems
Cyclops Magik & Emma Frost The Big 3 (Art by Sal)
In fact, I've never seen any John Stewart or Hawkwoman fans liking this ship, only those nostalgic for the DCAU
What was your thoughts on Scott and Jean’s relationship in the ultimate universe (Ultimate X-Men #4 #5)
Most Normal Starfire Fan
Girl Comics 2010#1
SCEMMA in upcoming eXceptional X-Men #7
What's your favourite Cyclops love interest
Scott surprises Emma for her birthday. (Heralds #1)
Emma frost vs X23
So, what's the Speedster rule on clapping cheeks? How fast can you go before you cause a Flashpoint Event?
What a terrible comic. Marvel's desperation to break up Scott and Emma’s relationship is so blatant.
Would you have preferred a Bruce Timm animated X-Men over TAS in the '90s?
Scott Summers & Emma Frost art by enraged Andy
When you realize that the Marvel Editorial hate you and all of your favorite characters....
When you realize that the comic book Gods hate you and all of your favorite characters....
Emma Frost Art by Bruce Timm
Emma Frost Art by Bruce Timm.
Queen of the Hellfire Gala 👑