What motivates you?
Do you guys like spontaneous calls over texting?
What's your opinion on online dating?
Pls any girl talk to me I am literally broken and want to end it all.
I’m an incel AMA
How often do you expect to text/talk with someone whom you're just getting to know (romantic interest) and when you are actually dating someone?
How bad is my opinion on top 5 Eminem songs?
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think. - Horace Walpole
Are ENTPs compatible with ENTJ, ESTP, or INTJ?
Fellow ENTPs do you speak with yourself in third person?
Amsterdam lately
As a guy, how do you stop feeling worthless and under confident?
Tesla Amsterdam
I feel like I missed out with girls!
How do you warm up before a competition?
I just want a hug
To all the ENTPs out there, have you ever regretted losing someone from your life but never tried to fix things? If so, why didn’t you? Was it pride, ego, or simply the belief that moving forward was the better choice? Curious to hear your thoughts.
how open are yall to personal questions ?
Copying interests of people you're interested in
What does your ideal relationship look like, and why don’t you have it yet?
Entp reading fast
As an entp do people tend to find you more dumb when you’re a deep thinker ?
In religion, kids are guaranteed to go to heaven, why dont all people kill their kids?
How do you begin to trust new potential partners?