Favorite nu metal bands?
Any good wacky sounding music recommendations?
What did you listen to when you were younger?
Some1 add me if you have it please🙏🏻
Songs about being apathetic/not connecting with people emotionally? Or just not being able to feel anything?
Is there a way to fix only having cognitive empathy?
what is a webtoon comic you are currently invested in?
[No Spoilers] What are your top 3 Webtoons? And why?
What is the worst webtoon you've read?
If you guys could bring back a character that died in the series who would it be?
Have any good comedy recommends??
Who's your favorite love interest?
how does Larry find out about Lee being a criminal?
What would you do if your loved one got bitten?
How long do you think you'd last in a zombie apocalypse?