Buzzed it back in the summer, been continually trimming it closer since. (Also recently decided to go mustache forward - is it a good look?)
Should I keep my hair or just cut it off? I'm at a loss.
Would it be "comical" to go the hair system route after a certain age?
Would it be necessary to take meds if I only did a hair transplant in the front and used a hair transplant on the crown?
Can a turbinate reduction on just one side be effective and prevent the possibility of Empty Nose Syndrome?
How does this compare to The Show Franchise?
What do you think of hair systems (aka toupee or hair pieces) on men?
Could a makeover like this work on a guy or would it be too extreme?
Is it possible to get a hair system with a bob cut?
Is there any point in staying on Flonase if I don't notice much of a difference?
How/where to test your cortisol?
If sleep hygiene is what causes insomnia, why doesn't everyone who uses screens in bed have insomnia?
I'm overdue for a haircut. Can I still pull off a trim (#5 on the sides and some off the top) or is it definitely time to buzz or shave it bald?
Any chance that meds do me any good or am I SOL without a hair system at this point?
Did any of you try other options to deal with your balding before shaving your head?
How is 26 so far?!
Did you try other options before the hair system or just dive right into the hair system option when you knew it was time for a change?
Is it time for John Cena to embrace the bald and shave it all off?
Deciding to go bald after wearing hair system
How critical is K2 with D3?
Why do I feel so many more male models,actors, news reporters use hairsystems than we think.
Suspect/know any celebs with HS?
Live WWE Raw Discussion Thread - March 09, 2025!
If one wears hats often, does that clash with a hair system?
Seems like my hair system days are coming to an end.