Welp, the 887 finally died. Best impact I’ve ever used. Time to bust out the 845 I’ve had for 2 years and have never used?🤣
$150 at Lowe’s for 2 8 ah with charger.
Happy Holidays from ASTRO and Logitech G
Rebrand and marketing has made me second guess everything. Please advice lol
Usually a demo and exterior guy. Don't crush my pantry. Before and afters
Usually a demo/exterior guy. But liking the new shift indoors lately. What do you think?
Algea bloom? Biofilm?
Uh, scam?
Another reddit deal acquired
Pinhole snipe
My favorite place in Jacksonville
LM2135sp cutting heights
ICE activity in Jacksonville
Got ghosted by a girl who was supposed to be my first blowjob :(
I have questions
W coastline setup?
Where can I legally dump big items?
Who is this
What are your top 3 favorite maps of all time?
Deston end game... 1 vs Squads - 25 kills
Do you have 10 grand? I don't have 10 Grand. Guess tree is staying
Left my betta tank under the "care" of my friends for 3 weeks while traveling. I'm in shock.Do I need to restart?
How do I keep water out!?
Okay what the fuck?
18 [F4M] #LasVegas - Gonna be visiting next weekend and want to have an amazing time