What was the last thing you drew?
What is your favorite thing?
What technology do you wish the world had?
What are your favorite movies?
What's your favourite DIY snack?
What was your favourite childhood film?
What is something that makes you automatically want to be someone’s friend?
What's a piece of 'useless' knowledge that you somehow remember perfectly?
What won't you do unless you absolutely must?
What’s the best bread for buttered toast?
A retired man spends every evening making 50 meals for the homeless people every night... Funding everything through his pension which he lives off of too.
AITA for telling my husband’s friend to stop calling me by his ex-wife’s name?
AITA for kicking my roommate out after finding out she was secretly recording me in the apartment?
WIBTA if I press charges on a 12 for accusing me ?
AITA for telling my dad's new wife I don't want to be her daughter?
AIO - Boyfriends Reaction To Me Being In Hospital
Think everyone should use H.264 in HTML5? Then get ready to "hire lawyers and negotiate a license with the MPEG-LA" if you want to "put a few videos on your Web site". This is why free software is important!