Warum bieten viele Skihütten keine Kartenzahlung an? (Oder ab 35€?)
Could a SSB Broly defeat Beerus?
How the FUCK does she do hero work in the winter??
I think this also applies to #BuyfromEU
Wir machens a!
Salzburg: Why have our European Brands a bad position in the shelves?
“Your country exists because of what America provides to you, don't forget that”
My orange dude will be 20 soon...
Went to my local supermarket today (Germany)
Öffis fürn Arsch
Is he cooked or Nah?
Fangen wir auch damit an?
Spain turning Non EU products upside down on shelves in shops as a form of boycott
46% of Canadians want to join EU, 25% undecided.
You got a chance to become whatever titan u want(in image) with no titan curse just a normal life , which one will u choose
Hat mir ein Kumpel gesnapt
Who’s your countries madlad leader?
Petition to add this flair for Canada
Argumente von pro-Russia
When you realize you might have just thrown away your empire all just to own the libs.
Sepp, was machst du? - Der neue Staatssekretär muss seine vielen Jobs loswerden.
Get a load of this Christofascist train wreck 🤦♂️
Holy shit américa
Give me characters who can beat The Rumbling.
Love it when small indie gems get the recognition they deserve
By @Sheila96716588