Is Auth0 dead/coasting? What's the work environment?
The best sealant for wood in order to block water
Are there stores/places in Madison where you should spend many a penny because the owners are absolutely wonderful humans?
Why are there random useless divs on some sites?
Did this damage my tablesaw blade?
How necessary is Figma if you're just creating a website for yourself?
Is there any country as screwed as Niger?
How Long Before The General Public Gets It (and starts freaking out)
Belt drive users, any regrets?
What's going on this week? What's for sale? Jobs, Housing, Personals, and more! September 22, 2024 - September 28, 2024
Sending books to new hires? Is this a new trend?
This is my father's website. It's from the year 2000, but he seems convinced that it still holds up. Can you prove it's bad?
Should you buy a cheap bike radar? My experience
car mechanics that won’t scam me❤️
Have you ever regretted a major refactor or rewrite?
Are there any experienced devs that can't stand remote work? If so, why?
Do You All Really Think Scrum Is Useless? [Scrum Master Q]
Why do people assume they won't migrate to another database or cloud?
Keys found on bike path
What can I do with all this 2x4
Biden will Arrive at airport at 12:30 July 5. Event will be Held there.
If someone from 1990 suddenly woke up in 2024, what would surprise them the most?
Do you think a fullstack web developer is still a good future-proof career?
Am I crazy? Am I charging too much?
Is this lumber unsafe to cut on a table saw?