I successfully completed one of the hardest and most comprehensive Super Mario challenges ever made! Watch below 👇
The Story of How I Crushed Some Kid's Dreams.
Did you ever beat Double Dragon 3?
Terminator 2D: No Fate
Do you remember BACK TO THE FUTURE on NES? Did you ever get past this level?
Ryukahr's Super Marihour video has passed 1,000,000 views on YouTube
do you remember TOP GUN on the NES? did you ever land that plane?
I just watched Avengers Infinity War and Endgame for the first time. Ask me anything.
Debunking the Difficulty suggestions
My kitty loves watching Ryu with me
Did I win?
Does the word ryukhar have any meaning?
Ryu's subscriber numbers on his main channel
Is Ryu a Trump supporter?
Fear not, Lord Ryu, I have come to protect you in your hour of great need
How I beat 6 Mario games in 60 minutes
Super Mario Maker 2 was released on this day, 5 years ago.
Ludwig Von Koopa 3D printed clown car