When u wanna feel that bit of Nostalgia again
How’s the revival week going for all returning players?!
Would have been nice if not for hackers
[Discussion] New Tarkov.Community website is really Working
Meta Quest 3 mixed reality is grainy
Cyberpunk inspired main menu after 2nd prestige
Bought clothing but not appearing in arena
[Discussion] The image for the Prestige task seems a bit familiar... no?
[Discussion] What is with the Chads on factory
FOOTSTEP AUDIO ISSUE [bug] [suggestion]
[Loot] To whoever opened grumpy’s hideout about 30 minutes ago
How do you avoid consistently losing karma on scav Lighthouse (and Reserve) [Discussion]
[Cheating] Labs is unplayable indeed 3 raids back to back
[Discussion] Death streak
How am I supposed to survive streets? [Discussion]
[BUG] Extraction timer ran down but leaves me in game
Where to find elite pliers?? [Discussion]
Tarkov/Arena Progression Desync
Spawning into raid with 10 minutes left of shoreline glitch ? [bug]
Today 20 game 7 hackers. They have gamer socks ı think
[Bug] no audio bug then Alt F4, and stuck loading profile data
No flea is cool, but barters for quest items is a must [Suggestion]
i hate the Christmas time part 7 quest
Christmas Time pt 7 help
[Bug] They need to fix this rubber banding lag