Can we build a roller coaster between campuses?
Is it normal?
Nuff said.
Let's stop the Fake news around Bawa!
Treated differently after weight loss/“glow up”
Bought it from H&M
me just took midterm me did ok but 2 questions me unsure about and me messed up 1 so me redo whole thing me lost a lot of time but me finish
m(21) me and my friend are both posting on here what we think :(
Why did Neville leave Ogilvy?
Rutger University
Should i be worried? Notices some thining on my hairline the past year
Hinge does not work for those who get a lot of matches too. From 300+ matches, 50+ roses, 150+ likes received; I'm finally deleting Hinge. I have realised I'll not find my love here. Bad Boy signing off 🫡
Let me turn your username into an AI image
Getting back there! Profile review
Erlich Bachman
Is this retrograde alopecia ??
I could not reach the test center.
Best place to poop on campus?
Done with the test!
How brutal is College writing extended?
Anyone taking planet Earth this summer? Class starts tomorrow and is not yet published on Canvas, what should I do?
Chance Me