Presenting the largest Tatsuro image EVER - .28 GIGAPIXELS of Ride on Time!
Hello guys, second grow here! This time, the stems are turning purple. What could it be?
Hello guys, a friend found these at home. Is this stuff the real deal?
My first batch, what do you guys say? It was harvested 10 days ago.
I have this old st dupont lighter and want to clean it. how can I dissasmble it safely? I also have an ultrasonic cleaner. Any help appreciated.
Is this yellowing normal? Week 8.5 / northern light automatic
Hey guys, i have this chinese chest rig. It looks pretty similar to sks ones, but the three middle pouches are bigger in this version. Havent found a similar one yet, what exactly is it?
Anyone know more about these early German contract bristol armour plate carrier vests? Who used them?
My PC will be about 6 meters away from my monitor. I've tried several hdmi cables as well as a passive booster and nothing worked yet. What should I buy next?
Need help with repairing a Morrored lens, more in comments
Help with Quakenbush airgun
Citizen Crystron watch Seconds Hand jumping back and forth
It finally happened 🥹
Can I use this screen?
Hey guys, just bought this vintage camera for 500€, kinda expensive I think, but was it worth it? Total beginner here!
Wood rot in the lower edges of my Window frame, what can I do against it?
Radioactive GRC 9 dials? (More in comments)
Hey guys, I'm searching for information on this camera trigger ( more in comments )
Anyone know more about this blade? It's got beautifull etching, presumably from a Peruvian general "Colonel F. BOLOGNESI", made by wkc. Any idea who to contact about this? Is it authentic?
How bad Chinese soldering iron and solder is?
Decided to try mixing my expensive hobbies 😁
Need help
Anyone know what manufacturer this atacs combi is from? Any info appreciated
Appreciation for the mean little goblin that's the AT-6 Wolverine