Oh my goodness, my boys love each other 😻😻
Is Broadway a boy or a girl?
What’s wrong with him
What's your dose? Do you take other meds as well?
80 mg of Vyvanse
Where to get in tank turtle brush?
Who do I look like?
Enrichment for RES?
Vet recommendation
Prescription Sleep Aid
My beautiful new boy, Whiskey.
My psychiatrist said it's possible to go up to 2x70mg a day if necessary. I thought the highest dose allowed is 70mg max per day?
Apparently Prince prefers the bathroom sink over his 6 beds and 2 cat trees 🤣
WTW for a phrase that someone lives by?
My Princess Mia is Sweet 16!
My new little guy, Prince 😻
My new little Prince 😻
How did you know you reached your ideal dosage?
What is a song that instantly makes tears come to your eyes?
what’s your dumbest sensory nightmare 💀
What are your "I'm not hungry" foods?
Forgot my meds and can’t get up of the bathroom floor at work
Where do I find myself an adhd buddy
What’s a good comeback for “you’re nothing without me”
How do you guys deal on your days off medication?