My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
do you guys ever think she regrets being a teen mom?
25F, all pics without face makeup. The last one is pretty shitty, but you can see my profile well 🙌🏼☺️
he didn’t have to do me so bad
my sister made vegan salami
It's a hill a lot of babies will die on too.
Benny does whattttt
am I married under God’s eyes?
Her butt just looks so long when she turns around
“he wants to hit me but he won’t anymore” her DAUGHTER is exposed to this
Thoughts on Kim Kardashian in her prime? Do you think this is when she was the most beautiful? —— opinions on this? Was this her best face????
Thoughts on Kim Kardashian in her prime? Do you think this is when she was the most beautiful?
Straight to Reddit
Does my living room look inviting? After photos
Does god forgive the baddest of people? Like we do?
Rape exception
This is for those that went through infertility. How do/did y'all cope with people aborting then trying for a child?
steamed turkey patty (never again)
BIDA weil wir zu dritt zum Freund gesagt habe das die seine Freundin geizig sei
BIDA wenn ich es blöd finde vor dem ersten Date gefragt zu werden ob ich "so einer" bin der Rechnung 50/50 splitted?
This “pizza” I found at a gas station in ITALY (of all places), with hod dogs and fries as topping.
Unique, feminine K names
How do I wear this? It's too thick for my ear holes :/
Celeb couples I'm convinced was PR.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think this is a Labrador.