Attempting to learn Little League by ear
Why does Dark Souls 2 get a bad rep? No spoilers please.
I was hanging around the vendor for a lot of the Oregon show (I bought 4 shirts lol) and I got this sick n64 cartridge with the new album on it! wish i had an n64 though TwT (sorry about the image, ik it's bad lol)
orange is crab! which alex g song represents yellow?
Xqc COOKS Hasan
What's up r/indieheads! We are Origami Angel, AMA!!
Please tell me i’m not crazy
Is the Dragonslayer spear good for PvE
Stuck in the depths with no purging stone and no way out
Spawned at New Bonfire?
How long did it take you to beat the skeletons at the grave yard?
havel stalked me up all the stairs AND into undead burg???
I'm running a pirated version of the game and was just wondering if there was any way to bypass the minimum memory requirement error
Not really feeling this game so far.
Best build
Where are the good dexterity weapons?
Is it worth upgrading the Black Knight Halberd, or should I wait until I get the greatsword? (At Ornstein and Smough's fight)
Does anyone have a working download code for the game?
joining the hunt again after 3 years away - any tips?
So mad I had to write a post
How do I warp.
First ongoing playthrough thoughts
DSR SL 1 run
Can I ask here if anyone will trade me weapons?