What’s on your wish list?
Displaying Connecting Art
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
Is it hoya?
Anniversary. Is this enough?
What was the very first card that literally had you shaking?
Halloween in March!
Saw the title "for msrp" then this description...
My girlfriend gave me this Pokémon card. Does it hold any value?
Going Insane: Carpenter Ants
I'll draw your favorite baby :)
Heat Wave arena full rare card list
We need to normalize showcasing cards just because we like them, not because they’re valuable chase cards. I’ll start:
Grabbed an in box set of Eevee premium collection promos for 10$ on FB marketplace!
What are your favorite goofy/ weird art cards
My Mr. Mime Collection
Got given as a gift worth anything?
Fleeced a child out of these for only $700, haters stay mad
Share the most rare critter you have in your collection 😋
What do you guys do with your mini tins? Just picked up this tin bundle for the packs but I really don't want to be wasteful and just throw out the tins.
What am I missing?
Couldn't resist 😍🤭
Does anyone know if/when these will be released in the U.S.?
First time I’ve found packs in the wild in months