Reddit Explain yourself
What is this called?
So this just happened😳
Privacy concerns after the change of owners
Looks like it made People Magazine
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Brother gave me these. Are they legit?
Awesome Card My GF Got Me!
Things to do on Friday night with boyfriend?
Creating a new game with different math. Would like opinions!
Did I lose all my game progress?
Surgery - Withdrawel symptoms possibly?
Armored Mewtwo Giveaway. Looking for Giveaway Winner. Offering Armored Mewtwo. Guess which country this Armored Mewtwo was caught. First person guess it right win. End on GMT+0,09:00AM Nov29.
What to do with shiny non adventure move Dialga/Palkia?
Anyone know which I should buy? A Walmart that I’m at has a lot of stuff right now
Friend Invitation Campaign Megathread
FT: Events in pictures LF: Events in comments
The event ended today… f***
Back to back! I’m starting to get excited for BDSP!
I threw a ball at a drowzee and ended up with this…is this rare? Lol jk I know it is.
I will add anyone! Need to find out thePokémon in my safari
Shiny Hunting!! Looking for anything
Hey I need friends
looking to add people on other 3ds!
Adding anyone