Beginning of the End
How to add adobe fonts to photoshop for ipad - frustrated!
Found in my gf's vent. Is this a camera? If so, whats the other board?
Anyone not realize they had CPTSD until their 30s?
Who else escapes through TV shows?
How'd i do on my first mastercopy?
Please tell me these aren’t seasonal
Bernie is killing it but....
I’m at the end of my rope with these doctors shrugging their shoulders.
Anyone else experiencing extreme weather anxiety for today/tomorrow?
Saagar really blew me away
You're stuck on a 12 hour flight, which seat are you taking?
Come for the guns, stay for the antibiotics.
My room feels too cramped and I've rearranged it a dozen times.. any advice?
Dry mouth , what do I do!?
As a Tesla owner…
Can you help me identify the artist of this (probably) children’s book art?
Thoughts on weed? Good or bad?
Arabic? to English - Can someone tell me what this says?
Why does weed affect me this way?
At first I thought it was some sort of train track with a platform? but it’s empty grocery store shelving.
The Attias Flea Market-many a girlfriends jewelry was bought here back in the day lol
Sweet vitriol's shocking rating on imdb just proves this
Is anybody else horrified by how much of their life they are dissassociated?
Commerce Secretary says that robots are going to take the place of US workers and it’s all fine.