Morgan Riddle being over Taylor Fritz
WeWoreWhat new condo revealed
The way y’all talk about Carly’s body is so damn weird
Wilton and Alexa Eshaghian
Boss wants me to “make up” work day I’m missing because im flying back from a work trip
Morgan Riddle Apology
Let’s not forget Rupert Murdoch’s new step daughter Dasha Zhukova thought this was ok
Morgan Riddle bashed on ATP ig
Morgan Riddle hot take
Morgan Riddle
Whyyyy? Just let me snark!
PL showing her new LA Apartment
Litquidity Revealed
DB’s Toby sighting on Raya
APs body checks
Anyone heard anything about or met Alexa Eshaghian?
Moinian Sisters - any tea?
Shooting myself in the foot for this but
Thoughts on Sarah Hodgson?
Mini Cooper IG official with DB
Tea on Jenna Podolksy / Haroche?
PL promoting safe driving
Sophia Cohen got engaged and DB "couldn't be happier for her 🫶🫶🫶" I'm sure Sophia is repulsed by everything about her and is so happy Toby is done with her
DB told Mini Cooper to story her
DB no where in sight in Mini Cooper’s ig