Comment your favorite card and let Reddit rate it a score out of 10.
Why are my villagers doing this?
Why arent my villagers breedinng??
What’s your favorite wrestling move in matches?
Is the surfboard move seen as disrespectful or a bad move in matches
How do I get the actions and stuff animations without the actual texture pack?
How can I make this look better?
This nearly gave me a heart attack 😭😭
What booster box should I buy
Could someone tell me what this grade might come out to?
What grade would this get just pulled it btw!
Got this a while ago, what would the rating be?
Just pulled, what’s would it get if I sent it in?
What do you think the grading this would be?
What do you think the grading would be of this?
What Pokémon series should i buy?
how to counter this kind of attack
2 brilliants in a row!!!
2 brilliants in a row!
shiny lugia looking to see if anyone wants to offer looking for something shiny
Respectfully, why is this a part of the game
Creators, how do you layout, A, B, or C?
I will just leave it here
Why the hell was I down voted?
looking for shiny lucario and or shiny greninja