What was your "15 minutes of fame"?
What is a scientific fact that you know is true, but it still blows your mind that it is real?
This is why I don't scuba dive
No one gets cake
Now that hurts
Reddit, what is your best instant karma story?
How do I get prison food (commissary) to my house?!
If humans put a mirror in space 1,000 light years away, when observed we can see how the earth was 2,000 years ago.
Bracing for impact
Rubber, Non-Lethal prison pen.
Money can't buy happiness but... neither can not having money so really it's better to just have money
Who do you think has 100% committed murder but has never been caught or held accountable?
What really dumb thing have you heard a really intelligent person say/believe?
What's your "If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we..." gripe?
Reddit, what is the biggest, longest-standing mystery that we still don't know the answer to?
What was your "I can't believe that worked" moment?
What cheap alternatives MUST be avoided?
What are some of the most pathetic things YouTubers have done for views?
What's your favorite feat that 4chan has achieved?
Police officers of Reddit, what criminal actually impressed you with their criminal skills?
Redditors who live minutes from a different time zone, what's it like scheduling things?
What is riskier than most people might realize?
Whats the dumbest thing you ever learned in school ?
What is your "x years on the job, I've never seen anything like it." story?
Today this Horse, Tomorrow the World