are reversals as important as people make them out to be?
11mm overjet, complete overbite. The orthodontist said to remove the upper first premolars. The appointment for the extraction is Thursday. But I've read on the internet about the terrible side effects and I'm worried. If someone had the same-ish situation, please share your story.
What is happening to my teeth?😭
pizza delivery 4 hours late 💀
i made a grave mistake
is there anything that stands out to anyone about my chart?
Ok can someone tell me what might be the very easiest song on E+?
Well this sucks
How many of you have experienced what I just did: Imagine a good song, and you can keep up with the speed, but your stamina is NOT ENOUGH!!! You really like this song, and the mapping is really good, but you get tired at the BEGINNING!!!!!
good head straps for quest 2?
how do you masturbate as a trans guy?
what tips do you have to help me improve more?
First time diffusing my hair since cutting off nearly 2 feet of hair
got modded working !! any custom song recs?
How to increase reaction speed
What are YOUR signs you like someone?
how do u all not lose weight??
You guys you see how he cheek bones changed. Will mines be the same?
What was your passing tip that failed?
Pre OP Do i have severe facial asymmetry?
do people actually not like claw grip?
How can I improve?
Post braces is worse than actually having them.
Why are Most of my friends autistic?
Why don't most of you like loud sounds