Magic Madhouse Cancelling JT Orders
Attending First Card Show
Best way to sell my collection
TikTok Shop Defends Fraud
Deals Discussion Thu Mar 13 2025
Didn’t expect this
PE Alternatives to collect?
TWM PC ETB Long Term?
English backs, Japanese quality, Chinese prices. Picked up all of these for £800 (picture is missing Latias & Latios GX and Mewtwo & Mew GX)
The Vmax’s are a silly concept but I think they make for some of my favourite cards lol
To the guy at Smyth’s Stockport..
Is this the cheapest Pokemon obsidian flames blister pack deal???
Pokemon Center Brilliant Stars Build Battle in Stock
Is it okay if i put my Hits in a ETB sleeve and then in the Binder?
What are your thoughts on the Mewtwo from GO, it’s been really growing on me recently
what is this card?
Would this weird mark be marked down?
Is mew’s centering too bad for a 10?
Got a Pack With 11 Cards in it!
Came across a sad one today at work
What is the best mew or mewtwo card?
Brilliant Stars fully sold out on Pokemon Center UK
Best S&V Set for Pull Rates?
15% off Pokemon Centre codes
Gengar or Lugia?