New poon phenotype?
where are yall im like right at the a in androgynous
The most dangerous part of this sub is the risk of being exposed to a child’s opinion
All underbusts over 29 are bad actually bc I’ve “personally measured” 20 of my female friends
Study comparing FtM to cis male athletes and MtF to cis female athletes in terms of physical performance
anon is homicidal
Please help! New hair growth or breakage?
i regret posting face online
All the dudes here sound like this when they wax poetic
do you want to wear your ex's skin anon?
Would you date a trans guy?
tw for poons i am very mean to you in this
Why are mainstream trans woman spaces so bad
What am I seeing?
Man is shamed for beinga creep. This is why I stopped going out as soon as I started passing as a man. This is why so many FtM want to be "bois" rather than men.
Shoulders still grow after 18. If you're a repper, don't make the same mistake. Get on hrt. Twink death is coming for you.
riddle me again why we even have sex OR gender on passports
Found near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
south Florida, usa. grown in short hedges
Clash of two communities
i am become instatranner poster of slop…
Why does this plant germinate like this?
do you have a favorite 4tranner?
I LOVE TERFS!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰