give me your favourite song and character
Mafumom comic(MTL by me)
Show me your favorite card, and I will rate it! (With explanations)
Give me a Vocaloid song not in the game and I’ll give you a card!
going insane trying to fc rin-chan now, give us cute pjsk images
Tell me your favorite character and I'll assign you a random plushie of them!
whats a song that people seem to like but you hate?
Let's give KAITO some love! Tell me your favorite commisioned song and cover song that features KAITO for each group!
yIPPIE! The last song you listened to is the song you have to dedicate to your favorite character!! How do you feel?
What were you favorite songs when you first got the game V.S now that you've played it?
What song you want for an alt cover of a character, but at the same time you don't for reasons (image related)
which characters do you find it impossible to hate? i'll go first
favourite covers from each unit?
your favorite character and least favorite pjsk character has gotten into a physical fight! who's fighting, and who's winning?
Which song does the game-cut made it better or as good as the full version for you?
Show me some of your silliest stamps
What are some songs (covers or comms) that comfort you? Image extremely related
Show us your pjsk merch collection/shrines!
Post your head-canon for the characters of Project Sekai and I will stamp it on the board!
Post your head-cannon or hot take as a pic and I will stamp it on the board!
What non vocaloid songs do you want in pjsekai and which group??
pjsk character quiz i found !
Tell me your favorite non pjsk character and I’ll give you a card!!!!
If you could add a new group, what kind would it be?
What got you into pjsk?
Your favourite character is playing the last game you played except PJSK. What goes down?