In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Is Dating Harder Today Than It Was 10 Years Ago?
What is an American grocery item you are willing to pay a premium and why are you willing to pay the premium?
How has your relationship with weed evolved over time?
Why are you single right now?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
A single word to describe your style
What’s a movie that will have you laughing from beginning to finish?
What’s a modern trend you hope disappears in the next 5 years?
🎶 I believe I can fly
Is this the future for gaming?
What is ruining your mental health?
Are Americans really as divided politically and based on values as the media would suggest?
Is Sheriff Aaron Hanson actively trying to be homophobic and transphobic, or is he just not smart enough to realize he's sharing right-wing misinformation meant to demonize and scapegoat Transgender people? He should resign.
How to stop being jealous of my friends going out without me
FDA cancels meeting to select flu strains for next season's shots
N/A Restaurant
Is Elon musk becoming too powerful?
Spicy take: mania is not a flex. Mania is not enjoyable
Are you tired of tinder yet
Donald Trump says Zelensky 'dictator' without elections
Omaha Podcast
Millennials, what are some “cringe” things you used to do as teenagers (looking back)?
What game is this?
Road Conditions