Finished my book. 9 months, 3 pens, 3 inks, too many &!:@& pages.
Homecooked food for dialysis patient
My fav fish n chip in a local small cafe
Blood test - what do I look out for?
real advice needed
Humans have an ancient reaction to specific types of music.
Rape accompanies war - how to prep for that?
If you could only use 1 iroshizuku ink for life
Well, I think I've got the bug.
Study reveals nearly half of chronic kidney patients in Malaysia face job loss
Are there any specialty pen shops in Singapore?
Malaysians and kidney diseases
Any Malaysians on dialysis here?
I’m the secretary to Lucifer
Last Post for Dialysis
New to the series
Most species regulate serving sizes, Humans will give a small alien a Goliath cup of coffee so long as you can pay the credits.
Ebonreach - Part 4
Los Tacos
How much roughly do you need to open a small restaurant/Cafe in KL or Penang? Is RM 100k enough?
Keep it Shallow with Humans
Restaurant Idea