Your Guilty Pleasure Fic
What’s something really minor and inconsequential that for some reason just turns you off from a fic?
Is IDW prowl basically the autobot starscream?
Why are most of the fanfictions for my beloved series written like this ;-;
The Project got so Big
how many fics are you working on at the same time
Bad writer still getting kudos
What's the most ridiculous/silly reason you stopped reading a fanfic?
Which human characters do you absolutely hate?
Media literacy is abysmal right now. (Vent)
Weird Hate Comment
What is gal doing?(Wrong answers only)
Winter Scar OTP: ArcherXBastion
What figure are you still upset, cost so much on the after market
How many workers in your department?
Someone dun goofed
Which character is this for you?
They pick and choose who they do anniversary cakes for.
Whats the joke?
Owlcat didin’t give slayers good first impression
If I have to have it, I'm making it cute
Full time package question
more valdemar! ( + oc )
They're the Same Cat
What's your favorite version of Ravage?