enjoy the day
Ready to be fucked daddy 🙊
sunny days ☀️
AITAH for saying no to my mom's husband walking me down the aisle?
Totally me
AITAH for being pissed at my teacher for making us late again?
Anon has a kind husband
Bloodborne's one >>>
always a struggle
ocean eyes
WIBTA if I asked my parents to make my older sister move out?
always warm
anon made strangers' days good
difficult every single time
living in my mind rentfree
that's suspicious
extra on the streets
zzzz zzzz
on the menu: eye colors (what's this condition called)
he's tired of this toebeans thing HAHAH
he's always glaring at the camera
let me see those soft toes
roast Megan, she's like that most of the time