Why is NZ so caught up in events that have absolutely nothing to do with NZ
You would expect after year and a half a little bit better performance, some new line but naah. No law degree can win you an argument if you don't have one. Video by @habibiscorpion, Cambridge, Aotearoa New Zealand
Cultural Marxist wants to know why Cultural Marxism is bad
I am a Cultural Marxist — can someone please explain to me why that’s bad?
Hikoi for Trans Healthcare in Wellington
Officially Gone
2009 interview with congressman James Traficant
What type of heresy is this?
Piers Morgan interviews Dan Bilzerian
Should New Zealand pull out of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change?
Unfortunately the book tour is only in the US
The Scofield Bible
Do you think NZ should implement a sugar tax?
Who'd touch a pen in the middle of a pandemic?
Sean Penn cofounded the NGO JP/HRO, renamed it to CORE group, and is funded mostly by USAID
It's perfectly normal for 13-year-olds to have heart attacks after getting scared.
Climate Hysteria - It's that time of the month
Pics of todays cow massacre - ‘Where does my food come from mummy?’
Now even the once great NYT, once a safe space kept pure of any disinformation, has become a heretic!
For just a $30 per month subscription these guys will launch petroleum based balloons to 'reverse global warming'
I wonder if this person survived?
Controlling society via debt
Brave story of someone standing up for their right to make others mask and everyone supporting them 🙏🏼
Australian Politician Malcolm Roberts Discussing Net Zero
How to deal with anti-vaxxers (and Trump supporters)
The $cience is being attacked ... again