Making sure I the make popcorn for movie night
He is about to zoom
Didn't remember this one Scooby-Doo episode
He always gets the zoomies right before bedtime
There is no 25th stamp on the QCR Dragoon I ordered. Is this a legit card?
He knows I have cheese
Someone opened the fridge
He saw the turkey
It was too quiet in the house. I knew he was up to something
Cant take a nap with him around
I tried to say “treat” quietly…
Think he smelt the popcorn coming
He heard the pantry door open
What artist is considered to have the best sound design?
Dudes will see this and say hell yah
QCR Beauties
No matter where im at, he is always watching
From a 60€ mystery pack in Japan
Nightmare Collector’s Edition🖤
Unreleased song (help getting noticed by labels)
Midnight Tyrannosaurus x Trampa - Chestplate (Instrumental)
My first Charizard ex pull!
Why are SV special illustration rares so damn cheap?
I am far from the first and there will be many who do this after... But MY set is finally complete.
I found another smelly bully stick stashed in our bed. He has been staring me down like this for minutes now