The decoration system lets you do silly things. Should I go more over the top or keep it down to earth? (The game's Brewpub Simulator)
I wouldn't dare to call myself a developer, but... Here's a hand-drawn Lovecraftian adventure I'm making using the Doom 1993 engine
[C64][80s-early 90s]An Elite-like space sim game (probably) where you control a space ship cockpit and your cursor is an alien arm, pointing which system you want to travel to and pushing all the buttons.
Romulus: Blu-ray vs. theatrical version question
We have an open world game on UE4 where on DX11 it runs smoothly but on DX12 it hitches when new area is loaded. We've collected PSOs, compiled shaders a lot of time, it's not helping. Do you have any suggestions?
Well, well, well... Look who's in our bar - Brewpub Simulator
Everything is STABLE in my bar game. [pun warning]
Enter the Beyond with Beyond Sunset
Brewpub Simulator - Star Drifters - a bar owner game with rich customization
Why the long face?
Huge world, small play area - how it works in my VR game
So the game is supposed to be serious but you can do all kinds of silly things if you want. I think it's a good thing though. [Brewpub Simulator]
I saw William Shatner today at Star Trek Las Vegas, where he seriously pushed the theory that the moon might be hollow. This truly is Shitty Daystrom in its purest form
Robo Revenge Squad gets a release date (trailer)
[PC][90s/early 2000s]Point and click game about a detective
I keep falling through the map after Godrick (XSX)
Scully's formatting is fit for a terrorist manifesto.
Nearing the end of VOY season 6, sharing thoughts about my boy Tuvok
Lust from Beyond: M Edition is out today – our very own survival horror. We invite you to play it, try the demo, or grab a giveaway key
Lust from Beyond: M Edition is out today – a game inspired by Lovecraft. We invite you to play it, try the demo, or grab a giveaway key
Outlast 2 bug + saves erased? (PS4)
Here's a Lovecraftian Doom-engine horror game, all hand-drawn (on post-its!). WIP
First-time player, I have trouble understanding why buff items give me negative stats and lower values
Is Commandos 2 HD on XSX a bad port or am I misunderstanding the game?
Is Commandos 2 HD a bad port or am I misunderstanding the game?