My (27M) girlfriend (28F) told me "she would not cheat on me" after coming home from a girls night out?
Int gotenks hate post
a fourth wiki has hit the dokkan battle
9th Anniversary Part 1 Stage Missions:
Boys Am I Cookin Or Nah ?
Is 10th Ani Vegito the best F2P unit of all time?
It's a clean sweep for the villains 😶😶
Fun Fact: Full power Freiza is the only SEZA to not support
Other world warriors is like a top 10 team now
Imagine Global having to wait until July to get all this😭
People really wanted to tell me he’d tank better on 220% LS with support
His ENTIRE gimmick is being unkillable after attacking and he can’t even do that right
What is your favourite login card?
Unrealistic, but funny to see how far SEZA Gogeta can go
Has this ever happen to anyone else? For like 4 months of me using phy god Goku I was playing with him at 0% 😭. (He was still good too lmao)
Bless the sync because imagine if we got announced lord slug right now instead 😭
10th Anniversary Summons Megathread
Been almost a year since release. How well/poor as TEQ vageta aged?
I need an alarm app that randomizes the alarm sounds
Thoughts on the new battle UI?
Universe 11 mission with no new characters and no rainbows
Never noticed till now but the SSJ3 team is competent now
Does it matter if they’re ugly?