Am I the God incarnated
How can i hear the spirits i work with?
Extreme psychic attack/Very powerful false light entity - Warning to light starseeds
Feeling like dying during meditation?
Chakra work and some questions
Why I can hear Negative Entities but not my Guides or Higher Self?
Similar website as Ascension Glossary lost
💫 Noone will escape Divine Justice!! 🔥😎💜👽
Should you breath deep in meditation?
What is Souls endgame?
Is my aura black?
how I could achieve Astral Projection if I don't fall a sleep?
Has new NDE:s changed in past four years or so?
Do we really leave our body every night?
That "bright light" is it supposed to be scary?
What you think of those drone sightings?
Why I can't get rid of Negative Entities?
Gf wants to end her life
Do you believe in New Earth? Why/why not?
Do you guys think the true yeshuas coming back? I was talking to a lady who worhsiped jesus but she tell me i cant talk to her. So im asking you guys. Is yeshua coming back?
What is Law of Confusion?
Can God or my guides kill me? I really can't keep on going. Have you heard anyone dying like that?
How do you imagine the event will look like as well as New Earth?
Can you interpret this dream? Not mine