ماني قادر أوقف ضحك على المقاطع المنتشرة من امس لرياكشنات الناس لما خلصت الحلقة في افضل لحظة😂
محبطه من معايير الرجال للجمال
I’m calling on all the fans here gather in the comments we gotta talk about this shi*
I have things I want to give away
What's the first thing that came to your mind when you saw my work?
All I’ve ever wanted was to be a drawing.
priest ,oil painting
كيف أختار الشريك المناسب لبناء عائلة مستقرة؟
ART: I wonder if I'm the only one here who studies Artistic visuals in MVs, Lighting-Color grading-Framing.
Marshland reflections
should I just ditch this one?😭 Makes no sense
photos of the guys from the December lotto event!
What Aimer song is your favourite?
Electric guitar
Anyone else having this mood lately?
Does this look weird?
Sargent master copy - how did I do?
‘Satanic Kitty’ Oil on panel
صوري المُفضلة
From Aois instagram story
since everyone is looking for friends or people.
ريحه بلاستيك محروق في الجو
Happy 25 Years of Lamp - Remembering what it felt like discovering the band