Jordy and Tommy?
Ambie Insta Q&A (screen recorded)
Amber and her priorities
Amber did not “lose the ability to wipe.” She thinks she’s above wiping 😑
Beck era/Oct 2017 YT video titled “WHAT’S IN MY BAG.” Odd considering that she always had to “text Beck” about finances and she “never knew how much money ‘they’ had”….
Did yall see ZM’s new video?
Ambers latest instagram story
I’m genuWinLeeee leaderLee sorry for this edit
Sorry gorls I forgot about this subreddit. Warning 💩
Reminder: Amber’s a creep
Washcloth youtube compilation?
Low effort vid for shits (literally) and giggles
Mr Snowflake Topic
I don’t understand how this receipt is supposed to paint Beck in a bad light
The delusion is strong…Amber saying “Dalton would’ve been it”. 😳 Girl, you were an object of his fetish, not endgame relationship.
The way her body is starting to store fat is so insane to see.
Why doesn’t Amber have a credit card?
Beck Insulting Amber
Random ramblings about the whole banking and money situation
Does she hear the contradictory shit she says?
The audacity of Amber to say Beck doxxed Zachary Michael
Official Choosey Trailer (reuploading😢 & small edits)
Breaking the silence - Who do you believe?
Confirmed:: NO BPD Diagnosis