Heard we're doing tap handles...
Tolerances on titanium compared to steel
I got to Hollywood / Highland right as the Women’s & Men’s pace cars arrived. These folks were averaging a 5 minute mile, 11 miles into the LA Marathon.
The call and luxury life
A Chinese Navy J-15 crashed in Hainan, China in a “nose down, tail up position”. Pilot ejected safely
All the food i ate during my 5 day trip
Software Engineer Doing 3 Jobs for 1 Salary
Stock 100 Series Fording
[FS][US-WA] 5x Dell R740XD 24 Bay 2.5in, 2x Unifi UAP-AC-PRO
What happened to this company
NASA Layoffs have officially begun
Costco this morning. Eggs are the new toilet paper.
That's a wrap. Pink's take the last spot. In your opinion, which restaurant was the most improperly placed and why?
Costco has finally earned my patronage.
Here's some more of my process (read my main comment below plz)
Join Dr. Robert Zubrin, Mars Society President, for a Special Live Podcast on Tuesday, March 4th at 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Topic: What it will take to get human explorers on Mars finally.
the RTX 5070TI gets destroyed
Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco is running for Republican Governor of California in 2026. He seems 2A friendly.
Limited slip diff for M240i?
New Virus, New Lambo, Biotech is about to go Rambo ($MRNA, $CSL) 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Am I fucked?
Behind the Scenes: EK-Quantum Velocity³ Production & Assembly
Shitter + Time = Profit???