I find this insulting
is razer edge still good to buy this year ? , because i see dev no longer support this device.
Long Bright River - Series Premiere Discussion
Buying a new dishwasher: What’s real and what’s hivemind?
Thoughts on electric mowers?
Which car are you hopping in?
Is $5000 good price to remove the mulch & dead plants, put the soil and put organic mulch, glue the stone together and add few plants?
Gov. Tim Walz says at town hall he is ‘soul-searching’ after 2024 Election
US senator says he is ditching his Tesla: ‘Built and designed by an a**hole’
A lobbying group in the US proposes the creation of corporate governed “freedom cities”
What makes the US so rich and powerful both economically and militarily? Is it their land size?
Have you said thank you once?
Going fishing
TSA Says Its Credit Cards for Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Are Cut Off
Tesla sends dire warning about escalating the trade war
Regard of the day
Quinnipiac poll - 75% of Republicans believe Trump is handling trade with Canada well. 76% think he is either tough enough or needs to go even further.
“Glue delamination”: Tesla reportedly halting Cybertruck deliveries amid concerns of bodywork pieces flying off at speed
What’s my stepfather done?
Neat trick to get attention of restaurant staff who ignore you
New to having a lawn need help
MAGA loves playing stupid games until it happens to them…
My boyfriend cheated on me so I started cheating too. Now I’m pregnant and idk what to do
Have we all just accepted billionaires don’t have consequences?
What do you think of this?